What are the Requirements for Power of Attorney in Michigan?

When thinking about emergencies throughout our lives, it is important to know what the requirements are for power of attorney in Michigan so that the proper plans can be made. There are certain scenarios that each of us will face at some point or another during our life, and it is during these moments that you can have peace of mind knowing that someone you trust has power of attorney to make the important decisions.

Baldwin & Henderson, PLLC’s knowledgeable team of attorneys in Battle Creek know the specifics of the laws for power of attorney in Michigan and can help you through any parts that are confusing. Power of attorney can often come together with stressful moments in our lives, so our legal team works to make the process as simple as possible, so everyone knows what they are dealing with.

What are the POA laws?

Power of attorney laws for Michigan our found within the Michigan Compiled Laws, here. Medical power of attorney specifically begins here. Both breaks down the entire list of what is entailed with power of attorney in Michigan.

Strictly reading the law is often confusing for clients, however, so Baldwin & Henderson, PLLC works with you to break down which parts of the law applies to your individual situation and how you should proceed with POA.

Professionals navigate you through

Compared to many other states, Michigan’s power of attorney laws may be especially confusing to clients because the legislature does not have standardized forms to specify power of attorney requirements. This means the standard requirements involved with power of attorney in Michigan comes from the person giving authority (the “principal”) to another. Whether this is for financial power of attorney or healthcare power of attorney, each starts with documentation.

Baldwin & Henderson, PLLC can explain the details of what each power of attorney process entails, what rights the principal is giving to the attorney-in-fact or patient advocate, and more. Our team works to make the law simple for clients, so they always know what their best course of action is based on their needs.

Because power of attorney takes effect immediately or upon the occurrence of an event in the future, it is important to have everything in order the right way beforehand. Either by putting a family member as power of attorney or working with a member of Baldwin & Henderson, PLLC as your power of attorney for important personal documents and decisions, we’ll help you through the process.